Thursday, January 19, 2012

Six Impossible Things

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I follow a number of interesting blogs, one of  which is Random Thoughts by Bish Denham, a children's writer. I was just reading her post on Alice in Wonderland- the movie

in which she says:
 the thing I took home with me, that will stay with me the longest, is this lesson from Alice: that she imagines at least six impossible things every day. And I thought, what a great writing prompt!
She lists her 6 impossible things and got me thinking about what I would choose,. so, here goes
Snow in Jamaica
Moving sidewalks- no more traffic
Self-repairing body parts
Knowledge injections - no more schooling
Thought travel -think of a place and you are there 
Peace on earth ( very tongue in cheek that)

Some of these are already in science fiction.

Share your 6 impossible things


Anonymous said...

What a great post! And Hello from Twitter-land. I've written one book for children, and it took me an awful long time. I've not tried to have it published - as it needs more work. I have a great respect for those who write for children, it was ten times harder than what I imagined.

My 6 impossible things:
1.) That I suddenly grow three inches.
2.)Aliens living inside the moon
3.) The sun splits itself in two, and all the seasons, and life, are completely confused by this for many, many years.
4.) The world rids itself of money, and we all go back to trading.
5.)All the men sprout gills, and learn how to breathe under water. The women are jealous, until they sprout tales- turning into mermaids.
6.) A genuine babel-fish is discovered, everyone in the world can now understand each other.

Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I like number 6